Re opening 4th April!


Snow, coffee training and finishing touches on opening!

08 Mar

The last month has been super busy with getting ready for opening. The parlour and the courtyard are now all ready to go, with the new signage above the entrance one of many changes we have made. We will now be getting the meadow ready now that the weather has improved!

Toby my Assistant manger has now just started and has been learning the ropes. We both went to a coffee training day with our suppliers The Coffee Company, giving us some new ideas and things to try.

Ice cream production will start in earnest this Monday, with some new flavours to try, watch this space!

On the farm things were tricky with the snow, pipes and water troughs freezing but although it meant some extra work we got through thankfully unscathed.

This is my last blog before opening, see you all in 19 days!

- Mrs T

Visit The Ice Cream

Summer Meadow
and Play

Orange Elephant Holiday Lets

Ice Cream Drive Thru

The farm

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