Re opening 4th April!


Post Easter catch up

25 Apr

Wow what a whirl wind few weeks easter was! We enjoyed some stunning weather which was perfect for ice cream. As you all know I had some personal health issues which meant that I could not be there for opening to see you all. My family and staff stepped up to the plate and were incredible, which along with support from friends meant that we were able to get the parlour and meadow open for you all to enjoy. I am not out of the woods yet with more treatment to come but I am getting stronger everyday and will be more visible in the coming weeks.

In other news we have an update on the latest member of our summer meadow. As you may have seen on social media we have a new little donkey called Barnabas. He is currently in training but getting better all the time if still a little cheeky! Robert is even bringing him into the courtyard to meet people now on the odd occasion so watch out for him. He also has a new friend , Jacob Polson the sheep. We are introducing them to each other over the coming weeks so they can keep each other company when they are ready to go out and meet you all.

The 2017 maize maze has also just been planted! This years maze will be the biggest yet so watch out for updates as it grows ready for the summer.

Look forward to seeing you all soon!

- Mrs T

Visit The Ice Cream

Summer Meadow
and Play

Orange Elephant Holiday Lets

Ice Cream Drive Thru

The farm

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